Saturday, January 24, 2015

Holy Shoot

I like basketball it's my favorite sport I like the way they dribble up and down the court.

Actually, basketball is not my favorite sport and I'm not even good at it but it's pretty fun and I like the movie like mike and space jam so ya, you could say I'm a fan.

Today my prep ball team had a game. We're called Holy Shoot cause holy shoot were so good. It's me, Salem, Corry, Dallin, Ben, Tyler, savanah, Ryan, and Kendall. And Alyssa is our coach. At the beginning of today's game we were kind of sucking but then towards the end of the game we were just driving the ball up the court and making some baskets. I usually suck at basketball like REALLY BAD but today towards the end of the game I drove it up and then passed it to Dallin who scored. (Do you score in basketball? I dunno) so I had an assist and I am pretty darn happy about that. I should probably just go to church ball more often to get good because let's be honest, I used to be good. (But nobody knows that so shhhh). Mostly this team has made me realize how out of shape I am. But it will be good for me haha. Holy Shoot might have lost , but we did our trick play "who let the dogs out" (everybody just drops to the ground and starts woofing like dogs and then Ben just took the shot) and we missed that shot, and a lot of others but it sure was a heck of a good time! And that play was the funniest thing ever.

So ya, basketball.

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